Xanthine Oxidase: (also see Milk)
The homogenization process whips up fat molecules
at a very high speed, pulverizing them into micro-globules so they
don’t float to the top. The mixture is then forced with enormous
pressure through filters. These filters control the amount of fat
that gets through in a certain volume of liquid. This is how the different
percentages of milk fat are obtained, 2%, 1% etc. This extends shelf-life
and provides the seller with a label that leads them to believe that
a lower percentage of milk fat is more healthy.
Milk fat contains acid molecules called Xanthine Oxidase. This acid
is not naturally able to enter the bloodstream, but because of the
homogenization process, this acid leaks out of the intestine by way
of the micro-globules and gets into the bloodstream. It actually acts
like battery acid to artery walls. The body then produces cholesterol
and other components to sheath the artery wall in an attempt to protect
it from the milk acid. Reference: Milk, Does It Really Do A Body
Good?chapter 9.
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