Blood Pressure
Blood Vessel
Body Fat: (also see Toxins
or Fat )
Bones : (see Osteoporosis
Brain: (also see Essential
Fatty Acids)
The body keeps only approximately one teaspoon of glucose (sugar) per
gallon of blood. References: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical
Approach, pg. 483. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith,
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X
(The average persons body has about 2.5 gallons of
Lack of sufficient EFAs will also affect the blood itself
by making blood cells more ‘sticky’ and interfering with
the platelet system, making blood cells more likely to clump, forming
clots. References:The books: Prostaglandins and Control of Vascular
Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation, K. Schror, R. Ney, Springer
Verlag, July, 1997, ISBN: 3764356898. Prostaglandins
in the Cardiovascular System, H.F. Sinzinger, K. Schror,
Birkhauser, May, 1992, ISBN: 3764327014.
Reference: Elementary Introduction to Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs),July
23-24, 2001 Headquarters Plaza Hotel,Morristown, New Jersey, U.S.A.,Robert
Katz, PhD, Managing Director, Consortium for Brain Fatty Acids, Omega-3
Research Institute, Inc., and Director of EFA Research, CHERAB Foundation.
Blood Pressure (& Hypertension):
“The majority of people with high blood pressure do not have a
salt factor and do not need to avoid the normal range of salt intake,
which can promote good health. A minority of patients are salt sensitive,
so that avoidance or reduction of salt will reduce or normalize their
high blood pressure. We always identify them and advise appropriate
salt reduction or diuretic therapy.”Reference: Dr.
John Laragh, M.D.
Those concerned with salt intake should be advised to
have their doctor check them for salt sensitivity.
(Salt) only brings insignificant decrease in blood pressure [2 points
in the systolic and 3 points in the diastolic]. Reference:
Br J Gen Pract, 2000; 50: 948-949, 958-962.
Hypertension not caused by anxiety [or depression]. —
Stress is not the cause of high blood pressure. Reference:
American Journal of Hypertension, 2001; 14:660-664.
It has been recently demonstrated that long-term consumption of a diet
high in refined carbohydrate induces hypertension. Reference: Hypertension
(Online). 36(3): 423-9, 2000
Though the majority of studies concerned with carb-induced
blood pressure elevation have been short-term, the high-carb diet effect
on high blood pressure over the life span was also investigated by Department
of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC.
The result of the study indicated that the blood pressure was the higher
the higher and the longer carbohydrate intake has been. Reference:
Journal of Hypertension. 15(8): 857-62, 1997
One hour after a high carbohydrate meal, exercise induced angina pectoris
symptoms in patients with chronic stable angina while exercising after
a high fat meal did not. Reference: Journal of the American College
of Cardiology. 29(2): 302-7, 1997
Arteries are supposed to have a good supply of EFAs to keep
them soft and supple. This makes it easier for an artery to expand,
like a balloon, which lowers blood pressure (bottom diastolic number).
Not enough natural fats, including EFAs can cause arteries to become
rigid and less capable of resisting tears.
Prostaglandins of the omega 6 series found to influence blood pressure.
Reference: Progressive Lipids Research; 20:349, 362
Blood Vessel:
The inner lining of the blood vessel is comprised of cells whose membranes
(or walls) need essential fatty acids to keep them flexible, healthy,
and resistant to damage. If we are deprived of these EFAs, or consume
only the adulterated fats found in processed foods, the arterial walls
become rigid, inelastic, and easily damaged. Reference: Molecular
Biology of the Cell, starting pg. 478, Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray,
Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, ke Roberts, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson, Garland
Pub, March, 1994, ISBN: 0815316194
Body Fat: (also see Toxins
or Adipose Tissue)
Adipose tissue (fat) is stored only when eating carbohydrates. Reference:
Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pg. 510. Dawn B. Marks,
Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X
Fat does not burn in “flame of carbohydrates.” Reference:
Stryer’s Biochemistry, 4th Edition, pgs 612 & 638, Lubert
Stryer, Richard I. Gumport, W H Freeman & Co., February,
1996, ISBN: 0716725606
Bones: (see Osteoporosis
and Protein)
• Animal Protein Consumption Associated With Bone
Density in Elderly Women. American Journal of Epidemiology 2002; 155:636-644
1. “Multiple linear regression analysis adjusted for standard
osteoporosis covariates showed a positive associate between animal protein
2. ”Vegetable protein was negatively associated [bone loss resulted].”
Brain: (see Essential
Fatty Acids)
The brain is supposed to be loaded with EFAs and natural fat. When the
brain synapses make connections, they are covered with a protective
layer of fat. The more healthy fat available to the brain the better
protected these connections are. This is why natural fat is essential
for a healthy brain. This directly affects memory and normal brain function.
Reference: CHS International Research Ltd., and the article:DHA
- A Cornerstone of Human Health by Lyle Hurd and Inge Mohede, Ph.D.
Brain synapses have higher levels of DHA than most tissues. Reference:
Nutrition and the Brain, Richard J. Wurtman, Raven Press; ASIN: 0890047332,
April 1983, Vol. 8, 1990:2.
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid. It is needed for
the regulation of all bodily functions. DHA is also required for maintenance
of normal brain function in adults. The inclusion of plentiful DHA in
the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA are
associated with deficits in learning.
Premature infants who are not breast-fed are often DHA-deficient. A
link has appeared between DHA deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease;
however, no evidence at this time indicates that supplementation with
DHA will help Alzheimer’s patients. Similarly, preliminary evidence
shows that children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) have low DHA
levels. However, no evidence demonstrates that DHA supplementation improves
ADD. Preliminary evidence suggests that people with a variety of rare
but related congenital diseases (Zellweger’s syndrome, neonatal
adrenoleukodystrophy, and infantile Refsum’s disease) may be DHA-deficient,
and may even benefit from DHA supplementation. Many doctors believe
the diets of most people eating a Western diet do not provide optimal
amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Crawford MA, Costeloe K, Ghebremeskel
K, et al. Are deficits of anachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids responsible
for the neural and vascular complications of pre term babies? Reference:
Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66(4Suppl):1032S–41S [review].
Reference: Soderberg M, Edlund C, Kristensson K, et al. Fatty acid
composition of brain phospholipids in aging and in Alzheimer’s
disease. Lipids 1991;26:421–5.
Reference: Stevens LJ, Zentall SS, Deck JL, et al. Essential fatty
acid metabolism in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62:761–8.
Reference: Martinez M, Vazquez E. MRI evidence that
docosahexaenoic acid ethyl ester improves myelination in generalized
peroxisomal disorders. Neurology 1998;51:26–32.