Eisonanoids: (see Prostaglandins)
EFAs:(see Essential
Fatty Acids)
Endocrine system:(see Pancreas)
Energy: (also see Essential
Fatty Acids)
Enzymes: (also see Milk
or Lactose)
Essential Fatty Acids: (also
also see Energy or EFAs)
Exercise: (also see Metabolism)
High-energy fuel: 1 gram of fat produces 2.5-times as much energy as
1 gram of carbs.
Carbohydrates stop you from using the best fuel available, the fat stored
in your own body. Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology.
Enzymes: (see Milk or Lactose)
Carbs are largely broken down when chewed (see Carnivore-Herbivore-Omnivore).
Protein digestion takes place in the system. If not enough protein is
consumed in the diet this causes the enzymes needed for its digestion
to be depleted. This is why a vegetarian has trouble digesting protein.
Slowly introducing meat back into their diet will replenish the enzymes
needed for healthy digestion.
An enzyme called alpha-amylase initiates starch digestion by breaking
down starch (complex carbohydrates) into sugars. This release of sugar
alters the taste of food.
• Lactase ·digests lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and
• Maltase ·digests maltose to glucose
• Amylase* ·digests starch (complex carbohydrates) to glucose
• Invertase ·digests sucrose (table sugar) to glucose and
• Proteases ·digest protein into free amino acids
• Lipases ·digest dietary fat to a variety of end products
References: Biology of Microorganisms, Brock, T.D. and Madigan,
M.T., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988.pp 383, 396-399.
References: Schauf, C., Moffett, D. and Moffett, S. (1990) Human Physiology:
Foundations and Frontiers (ed. Allen, D., Times Mirror/Mosby College
Publishing, St. Louis) Chapters 21 and 22.
Essential Fatty Acids: (also see Deficiency,
Fish Oil or Nerves)
Click here for "The Scientific Calculation
of the Optimum Parent Omega 6/3 Ratio"
EFAs are fundamental to proper nutrition. Our bodies use EFAs as the
building blocks for cellular growth, which plays a central role in feeling,
looking, and performing well. Your body can’t make EFAs; they
must come from the food you eat or from nutritional supplements. References:
Biochemistry and Disease, Basic Medical Biochemistry Fatty Acid Trafficking
and Transcriptional Control of Genes Regulating Fatty Acid Transport
and Metabolism.
“We know that EFAs support heart health.” Reference:
2002 EFA Conference.
Fatty acids and higher lipids are essential to the structure and function
of cells and organisms. These compounds include structural components
of biological membranes, mediators of signal transduction and transcription,
and physiological regulators. Fatty acids are also the preferred energy
source for the heart and it is estimated that circulating long chain
fatty acids provide 60-70% of the cardiac energy requirements.
Current evidence indicates that several classes of conserved transport
proteins, enzymes, and transcription factors participate in fatty acid
metabolism and gene regulation. Using yeast and bacterial model systems,
the proteins involved in fatty acid transport, activation, and transcriptional
control are being defined at genetic, functional, and structural levels.
These investigations include identification of unique genes and proteins
using molecular genetics; characterization of mammalian gene expression
in yeast and bacteria; and biochemical analysis of protein structure
and function. This work will result in a better understanding
of how lipid metabolism is coordinated to meet the nutritional, structural,
and regulatory needs of cells and tissues. It provides a foundation
for understanding and treating diseases resulting from deficiencies
in fatty acid and lipid metabolism including atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathies,
obesity, and diabetes. Reference: Laboratories:Paul N. Black, B.S.,
Ph.D.Professor, Education:B.S. from Colorado State University in 1978
Ph.D. from University of Vermont in 1983.
Reference: Concetta C. DiRusso, Ph.D.Professor Education: Ph.D.
from University of Vermont in 1982
EFA conversion inhibited: Bad fats, lack of minerals, lack of vitamins
B3, B6, C, E), viruses, obesity, diabetes, aging, and rare genetic mutations
can inhibit omega 6 conversion. Reference: Stephen B. Edelson, M.D.,
F.A.A.F.P., F.A.A.E.M. The Edelson Center for Environmental and Preventive
Essential Fatty Acids naturally decrease blood cholesterol levels. Reference:
Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 873.
Omega 3 fights colon cancer in laboratory studies, according to graduate
student Abgela Jordan and colleagues at J.W. Goethe University, Frankfort
Germany. “The growth inhibitory effect was most prominent in rapidly
proliferating [cancer] cells. They seemed especially effective against
COLO-320, the most aggressive of the two cancer cell lines, halting
all growth within 72 hours of exposure. This inhibitory effect appears
to stem from ‘both growth arrest and aposotsis [death of cells].”
Reference: Reuters Health, May 24, 1999.
Brain synapses have higher levels of DHA than most
tissues. Reference: Nutrition and the Brain, Vol. 8, 1990:2.
Omega 6– LA – body makes into the derivatives: GLA, DGLA,
AA. - polyunsaturated – safflower, sunflower, corn.
Omega 3– LNA – body makes into the derivatives: SDA, EPA,
DHA. - super-unsaturated – flax, hemp (fish is alsoa source of
omega 3, but it is mostly derivative based and not the ideal form for
what your body needs).
Proper EFA radio: "Parent" omega 6 to "Parent" omega
3 = 4 to 1
Anachidonic Acidis the 3rd EFA – non-essential. Reference:
Stephen B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.,F.A.A.E.M. The Edelson Center for
Environmental and Preventive Medicine.
(An herbal cleansing blend) consists of four herbs that grow in the
wilderness of Ontario, Canada. The original formula has its roots in
native Canadian Ojibwa medicine. The four main herbs that make up Essiac®
are Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian
Rhubarb Root. These four herbs may help normalize body systems by helping
cleanse the blood and purge toxic build up. Reference: Essiac®
is a product of Resperin Corporation, http://www.essiac-info.org/
In 1937, John Wolfer, M.D., director of the tumor clinic at Northwestern
University Medical School, treated 30 terminal cancer patients
at their clinic. At the end of a year of treatment, a panel of 5 physicians
at Northwestern wrote: “Essiac® prolonged live, shrank tumors,
and relieved pain.” Reference: Reclaiming Our Health, John
Robbins, H.J. Kramer, Inc., POB 1082, Triburon, CA, 1998, page 271.
Exercise: (see Metabolism)
Reasonable exercise helps raise basal metabolic rate (BMR) and therefore
the rate of ‘burning’ energy. But remember, it takes a lot
of exercise to burn off a significant amount of calories, and if you
have any carbohydrate before or after vigorous exercise, the resulting
insulin response will effectively block any fat loss.
Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg 871, Arthur C. Guyton,
John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Only under extreme physical exercise does a muscle use glucose. Most
of the time, muscle membrane is only slightly permeable (open) to glucose.
Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 973, Arthur C. Guyton,
John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
For a real endurance event, one can expect fat to supply more than 50%
of the required energy after about the first 3 to 4 hours. The body
starts off using mainly glucose/glycogen for energy and only gradually
shifts to increased fat-burning (this is why it’s very beneficial
to avoid carbohydrates before exercise when attempting to reduce body
fat). Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 871, Arthur
C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Growth hormone increases protein syntheses in all cells of the tissue,
and increases use of fatty acids (coming from excess body fat) for energy.
Glucose utilization is decreased, which means we burn stored body fat
while exercising. Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg.
936, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996,
ISBN: 0721659446.
“…thus an excess of Carbohydrates: in the diet not only
acts as a fat-sparer, but also increases the Fat: in the fat stores.
In fact, all the excess carbohydrates not used for energy or stored
in the small glycogen deposits of the body (less than one teaspoon worth)
are converted to fat and stored as such.” Reference: Textbook
of Medical Physiology, pg. 871, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B
Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
The more glycogen you store, the more bloated you become. Every single
pound of excess glycogen adds three pounds of water. Reference:
Nutrition For Fitness & Sport, pg. 106, Melvin H. Williams, WCB/McGraw-Hill, January,
1995, ISBN: 0697101452