Heart Disease
see Trans fats)
Homogenization:(see Milk)
Heart Disease: (also see: Essential
Fatty Acids, Sugar or Trans
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Scientists around the world have discovered that, once again, insulin
overproduction appears to have a huge part to play. Excess stimulates
overproduction of , leading to elevated blood levels. It reduces the
elasticity of arterial walls, increasing the risk of plaque formation,
and causes the kidneys to increase salt and fluid retention –
all of which increase blood pressure and heighten risk of heart disease
and stroke. Reference: American Diabetes Association's 59th Annual
Scientific Sessions, June 1999, Basic Medical Biochemistry, pgs 25,
26, 475, 512, 566.
“Saturated Fat: and Cholesterol: in the diet
are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest
‘scientific’ deception of the century, and perhaps any century.” Reference:
George V. Mann M.D. (1991), Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine –
Vanderbilt University.
No saturated fats found in aortic plaque! Reference:
Lancet 1994;344:1195-96. [Eating saturated fat did not cause their
heart disease.]
Researchers have found that both GLA (omega-6) and EPA (omega-3, fish
oil) can effectively lower blood cholesterol and other lipid risk factors
for cardiovascular disease (1, 2). EFAs may also help prevent
coronary heart disease because their eicosanoid products can decrease
platelet aggregation and relax vascular smooth muscle (3, 4).
1. Harris WS. Fish oils and plasma lipid and lipoprotein metabolism
in humans: a critical review. J Lipid Res 30(6):785-807, 1989.
2. Chaintreuil J, et al. Effects of dietary gamma-linolenate supplementation
on serum lipids and platelet function in insulin-dependent diabetic
patients. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 38:121-130, 1984.
3. Karmazyn M,et al. The mechanism of coronary artery spasm: foles
of oxygen , prostaglandins, sex hormones and smoking. Med Hypoth
5:447-452, 1979.
4. Vericel E, et al. Effects of linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic
acid intake on platelet function in elderly people. Thromb Res
42:499-509, 1986.
Homogenization: (see Milk
or Xanthine Oxidase)
Homogenization is the process, which whips up and breaks down the fat
molecules in milk so that the cream doesn’t separate. This process
releases milk acids (Xanthine Oxidase) that are damaging to artery walls.
Click on Milk above to learn more about XO’s.
Hydrogenation: (see Trans
Hydrogenation is the chemical addition of hydrogen to another chemical.
When applied to oils, the process turns the healthy essential oils into
dangerous trans fatty acids, which are unhealthy for humans. References:
Fats that Heal Fats that Kill, Udo Erasmus, Published by Alive Books,
Burnaby, BC, Canada, 01 January, 1999, ISBN: 0920470386,1-800-661-0303.