Okinawan: (see Innuit)
Bone is deposited in proportion to the compression load that the bone
must carry. Therefore, continual physical stress stimulates osteoblastic
deposition and calcification of bone. Reference: Textbook of Medical
Physiology, pg 998, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co.,
January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
An example of this is when you work out with weights and subject your
skeletal structure to intense loads above normal, your bone density
significantly increases. As we get older, bone is not replaced as
quickly and older bone stays longer which isn’t as strong as
new bone.
Causes of Osteoporosis:
1. Lack of physical stress on the bone
– from inactivity.
2. Shortage of protein – so the
bone matrix can’t be formed.
3. Lack of vitamin C.
4. Postmenopausal lack of estrogen. (estrogen
is made from EFAs)
5. Old age – decreased growth hormone
and other hormones inhibiting bone matrix. (hormones are made from
protein and EFAs)
6. Cushing’s disease (adrenal tumor).
Reference: Source: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 998, Arthur
C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN:
Note: Lack of calcium is NOT listed!
Calcium actually contributes to harder, more brittle bones when taken
in excess. Bone needs to have a good balance of strength and flexibility
in order to stand up to stress and avoid fractures.
"…it (osteoporosis) results from diminished organic bone
matrix rather than from bone calcium." Reference: Textbook
of Medical Physiology, pages 988-989
…women showed that those who ate the most meat (protein) were
68% less likely to break a hip! Reference: Journal of Clinical
Nutrition 1999;69:147-152, of 32,000
Protein helps bones heal quicker (by up to 50%). Reference: Prevention,
October 1998, page 143
As referenced above, is essential for healthy, strong bone matrix.
This is also because protein transports calcium to the bone.
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