Insulin: (see Pancreas)
Irradiated Food
Innuit: (also see Heart Disease
or Essential Fatty Acids)
Innuit (Eskimos) and Okinawans, with diets high in unadulterated fatty
acids from fish and unprocessed meat, have very low incidence of atherosclerosis
and heart disease. Reference: Stefansson and Anderson Study of
Innuits: 1929-1930, 2002 EFA Conference.
Insulin: (see Pancreas
and Cholesterol)
Carbohydrates cause insulin levels to reach 10-15
times normal and stay elevated for 2-3 hours. Reference: Textbook
of Medical Physiology, pg. 977, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W
B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Insulin production, a response to consuming carbohydrate,
raises cholesterol levels. Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry,
pgs: 475, 566.
Elevated insulin [generated from eating ] causes blood clotting,
which blocks arteries. Reference: Journal of American Medical
Association; 2000; 283:221-228.
A diet high in led to impaired glycemic and insulin responses. Reference:
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: “Fats and Oils Consumption
in Health and Disease,” Oct. 1997, 66: 4(S), pgs. 991S-997S.
Irradiated Food:
The technical name for irradiated food is radiometric. It isn’t
radioactive. This doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe.
Irradiation extends a food’s shelf life by killing all living
organisms. This includes Vitamins:, friendly bacteria, and important
Enzymes: But if the food is already a bit spoiled then irradiation
actually increases the spoilage. Reference: Long Quest for Safer
Food Revisits Radiation Method, Gina Kolata, The New York Times, 12/4/97,
p. 1.