Milk: (also see Lactose
or Enzymes)
When you eat your metabolic rate increases, more or less, depending
on the type of food you’ve eaten. Protein and natural fat raises
the metabolic rate 30% above normal for 3 to 12 hours. A high carbohydrate
meal raises the rate only about 4%.
Eating carbohydrates slows metabolism, while fat and protein digestion
increase metabolism. Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 908, Arthur
C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
(When eating a high carb meal) Insulin levels will reach 10-25 times
above normal to get rid of the excess glucose (sugar), and continue
to stay elevated even 2 to 3 hours after the time carbohydrates are
eaten. Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology. pg. 977, Arthur
C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Eating (carbs) causes an insulin response, which lasts 2-3 hours. Insulin
tells your body not to burn stored body-fat. This is why eating 4-6
meals a day (especially so many meals containing even a small amount
of carbohydrates) is not going to help you lose weight. Reference:
Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 936, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall,
W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Milk: (see Enzymes or
Cows milk must be pasteurized in order to kill bad bacteria, but this
process also causes the enzymes needed to digest the milk to be destroyed.
Reference: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically
Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats., Sally Fallon, Mary
G. Enig PhD., NewTrends Publishing, Inc., 01 October, 1999,
ISBN: 0967089735 (877) 707-1776.
[Theory: This may contribute to lactose intolerance.]
Homogenized Milk:
The homogenization process whips up fat molecules at a very high speed,
pulverizing them into micro-globules so they don’t float to the
top. The mixture is then forced with enormous pressure through filters.
These filters control the amount of fat that gets through in a certain
volume of liquid. This is how the different percentages of milk fat
are obtained, 2%, 1% etc. This extends shelf life and provides the seller
with a label that leads us to believe that a lower percentage of milk
fat is healthier for us.
Milk fat contains acid molecules called Xanthine Oxidase. This acid
is not naturally able to enter the bloodstream, but because of the homogenization
process, this acid leaks out of the intestine by way of the micro-globules
and gets into the bloodstream. It actually acts like battery acid to
artery walls. The body then produces cholesterol and other components
to sheath the artery wall in an attempt to protect it from the milk
acid. Reference: Milk, Does It Really Do A Body Good? chapter 9,
Dr. Jay Gordon In August 2000, the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Click here for Visual
Minerals are non-protein co-factors that allow enzymes to work. Reference:
Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pg. 109. Dawn B. Marks,
Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins,
August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X
24. Colloids [including colloidal minerals] are held
in vascular blood system [not used at the cell level]. Reference:
Body Fluids and Electrolytes, pgs: 62-63.
Digestion must be bypassed for maximum mineral effectiveness. This requires
the following conditions:
• Smallness in size
• PH-stable in a very acidic environment
• Form compatible with how your body assimilates food. (Naturally
chelated – tied to amino acids)
Unfortunately colloidal mineral solutions don't hold up in these critical
areas. Colloidal minerals aren't even "dissolved." They are
in suspension.
Definition of a Colloid – Suspended
in liquid. This has nothing to do with the efficiency of absorption
by the body it just means that the mineral or silver is “floating
in liquid”.
WARNING: Colloidal Silver can cause an
incurable disease called, Argyria. - a permanent, irreversible skin
discoloration caused by the ingestion of silver.
Frequent consumption of foods containing artificial
flavors, colors, MSG, and other additives can diminish the effectiveness
of the immune system without the aid of minerals. And though the body
can synthesize some vitamins, it cannot manufacture a single mineral.
Reference: Earl Mindell, Hester Mundis. Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible.
(New York, NY: Warner Books) 1985.
Minerals and vitamins are coenzymes, which means they need each other
in order to work properly. When you get minerals and vitamins in the
proper ratio and in the best bio available form, your complicated life
processes can work up to a million times more efficiently. Reference:
Enzymes, D.A. Lopez, M.D., R.M. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., K. Miehike, M.D.,
published by the Neville Press, Munich, Germany, 1994.
Most beneficial nutritional substances must be coupled
with a protein or amino acid (naturally chelated) to enter our body’s
cells. Reference: The Physiology Coloring Book, plate 75., Wynn
Kapit, Robert Macey, Esmail Meisami, Benjamin/Cummings, 15
January, 2000, ISBN: 0321036638
Our soils are depleted of organic matter and trace
minerals. Every time a crop is harvested, organic matter and trace minerals
are removed from the soil. Synthetic fertilizers do little or nothing
to replenish these depleting materials. Most artificial fertilizers
have no organic matter, humus, organic acids, microbes or sugars. They
also rarely contain any aluminum, boron, calcium, carbon, cobalt, copper,
iodine, krypton, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, tin,
titanium, zinc or zirconium. Reference: The Natural Way - Just Say
No To Artificial Fertilizers And Scalping, The Dallas Morning News,
Friday March 7, 1997, Howard Garrett.
Monosaccharides: (also see Sugar)
Dietary sugars. These sugars are the “code” by which the
body communicates at a cellular level. These sugars are nonessential
(the body makes them).Essential Fatty Acids: are the nutrients for healthy
cells. The essential EFAs: “parent” omegas 3 & 6 must
come in food because the body does not make them. Reference: Biochemistry
and Disease, Basic Medical Biochemistry Fatty Acid Trafficking and Transcriptional
Control of Genes Regulating Fatty Acid Transport and Metabolism.
Adding extra glucose [sugar] to muscle will not make it work faster.
Reference: Nutrition for Fitness and Sport, pg. 95., Melvin
H. Williams, WCB/McGraw-Hill, January 1995, ISBN: 0697101452