Fat (Dietary):
(also see Body Fat and Adipose
Fish Oil: (also see Essential
Fatty Acids)
Folic Acid:(also see
Food Additives
Free-radicals:(see Antioxidants)
Fructose (fruit sugar): (see Sugar
or Carbohydrates)
Fat (Dietary): (also see Body Fat
and Adipose Tissue)
Dietary fat does not go to body fat. Reference: The American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition, Dept. of Human Studies and Nutritional Sciences,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1996, vol. 64, pgs. 667-84.
No saturated fats found in aortic plaque! Reference:
Lancet 1984;344:1195-96. [Eating saturated fat did not cause their
heart disease.]
20. Butter is used directly for energy. Reference:
Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 843.
A study on a Mennonite community which consumed the same amount of saturated
fat and a higher amount of cholesterol showed that they had lower cholesterol
levels, body-fat levels, and blood pressures than expected. Glick, M,
et al. Dietary cardiovascular risk factors and serum cholesterol levels
in an Old Order Mennonite Community. Reference: American Journal
of Public Health. 1998 Aug;88(8):1202-5.
A large study of Finnish men showed NO association between fat OR saturated
fat intake and coronary deaths. Pietinen P, et al. Intake of fatty acids
and risk of coronary heart disease in a cohort of Finnish men: The Alpha-tocopherol,
beta-carotene cancer prevention study. Reference: American Journal
of Epidemiology. 1997;145(10):876-887.
In Spain, as the population increased its consumption of meat and other
saturated fats but decreased its intake of sugar and other sources of
concentrated carbohydrates, incidence of heart disease decreased. Ulbright
TLV, and Southgate DAT. Coronary heart disease: seven dietary factors.
Reference: The Lancet. 1991;338:985-992.
The French consume large amounts of meat and saturated fat yet have
low levels of heart disease. Renauld S, and DeLorgeril M. Wine, alcohol,
platelets, and the French paradox for heart disease. Reference:
The Lancet. 1992;339:1523-6.
Here are several other study references
which have seriously questioned the role of total fat and saturated
fat in the causation of heart disease.
Hu FB, et al. Dietary fat intake and the risk of coronary
heart disease in women. Reference: New England Journal of Medicine.
Ravnskov U. The Questionable role of saturated and polyunsaturated fatty
acids in cardiovascular disease. Reference: Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology. 1998;51(6):443-460
Golomb BA. Dietary fats and heart disease – dogma challenged?
Reference: Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 1998;51(6):461-464.
Ascherio A, et al. Dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease in
men: cohort follow up study in the United States. Reference: British
Medical Journal. 1996;313:84-90.
All of these studies have shown that cutting fat levels down not only
reduces the "bad" LDL cholesterol, but the beneficial HDL
cholesterol as well, and furthermore, higher insulin, glucose, and triglyceride
levels also result from a high carbohydrate diet. Reference: Leddy,
J, et al. Effect of a high or low fat diet on cardiovascular risk factors
in male and female runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
1997 Jan;29(1):17-25.
Hudgins, LC, et al. Human fatty acid synthesis is stimulated by a eucaloric
low fat, high carbohydrate diet. Reference: Journal of Clinical
Investigation. 1996 May 1;97(9):20811-91.
Schaefer, EJ, et al. Body weight and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
changes after consumption of a low-fat as libitum diet. Reference:
JAMA 1995 Nov 8;274(18):1450-5.
Katan MB. Effects of low-fat diets on plasma high-density lipoprotein
concentrations. Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Reference: Kasim-Karakas SE, et al. Changes in plasma lipoproteins
during low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets: effects of energy intake. American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2000;71:1439-47.
The Harvard Nurses study has shown that dietary fat, even the saturated
form, does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it did show
that high levels of insulin and excess carb intake does raise the risk.
This may be related to the consequent increase in body fat., particularly
in and around the abdomen, in postmenopausal women. References:Journal
of American Medical Association, 1999;228:914-920
WebMD 2002. http://my.webmd.com/condition_center_content/brc/article/1689.52069
High fat not increase risk. Reference: March 10 issue of the Journal
of the American Medical Association
Insulin may increase risk: Reference: Source: The 93rd Annual Meeting
of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, April
6-10, 2002
A high-fat diet and related increased production of
a specific protein appear to protect brain cells from damage caused
by prolonged seizures. Reference: United Press International Bruce
Sylvester, UPI Science News, in West Palm Beach, Fla. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_11845.html
In 1999, Harvard published a study stating colon cancer is not caused
by eating meat and is not helped by eating fiber. Reference: The
New England Journal of Medicine, January 1999.
Scientists are in general agreement that grain- and legume-based diets
high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third
world countries. Reference: Van Rensburg et al., "Nutritional
status of African populations predisposed to esophageal cancer",
Nutrition and Cancer, vol. 4, 1983, pp. 206-216; Moser, P.B. et al.,
"Copper, iron, zinc and selenium dietary intake and status of Nepalese
lactating women and their breast fed infants", American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition 47:729-734, April 1988; Harland, B.F. et al.,
"Nutritional status and phytate: zinc and phytate X calcium: zinc
dietary molar ratios of lacto-ovovegetarian Trappist monks: 10 years
later", Journal of the American Dietetic Association 88:1562-1566,
December 1988.
Fish Oil: (see Essential
Fatty Acids)
Click here for Visual Aid
Fish have no oil glands. In order to get oil from a fish the fish has
to be “juiced”. Fish store toxins in their fat just like
humans. Fish oil is not the best way to get essential EFAs because they
are full of toxins and the process of getting oil from them concentrates
those toxins. Also, chemicals are used to extract the essential oils,
which compromise the nutritional value.
In contrast, the EFAs in Basic Essence are extracted from organically
grown seeds (they are also pressed organically), therefore greatly minimizing
the toxic effects of the environment instead of concentrating them.
Reference: for toxins in fish: Nutrition Science News, “Prop
65 Activists Target Fish Oil”, Boulder, CO, Nov. 1997, Vol. 2,
No. 11, pg. 537.
Folic Acid: (see Vitamins)
Food Additives (not digestible by humans)::
Cellulose= Sawdust
Silica= Sand
Psylium Husks
Reference: Essentials of Biochemistry, pg. 185, Jay M. Templin, Research
& Education Assn, 1998, ISBN: 0878910735
It is estimated that 50% of adults can’t digest the fructose (fruit
sugar) from more than 2 pieces of fruit. Reference: Basic Medical
Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pg. 404. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D.
Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August
1996, ISBN: 068305595X