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Caffeine: (also see Diabetes)
Calcium: (also see Vitamins or Osteoporosis)
Calorie: (also see Sugar, Carbohydrates or Fat)
Carbohydrates: (also see Glucogenesis, Pancreas or Sugar)
Celiac Disease
Cells: (also see Disease or Essential Fatty Acids)
Cellulite: (also see Essential Fatty Acids)
Colloidal Minerals
: (als see Minerals)


Diabetes - Warning to diabetics: Caffeine blocks blood sugar levels.

Most doctors feel that diabetics can drink coffee safely, but a recent report from the Netherlands shows that caffeine in coffee raises blood sugar levels.

Diabetics suffer blindness, deafness, heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, burning foot syndrome and many other serious side effects, and all are caused by a high-rise in blood sugar after meals. Anything that raises blood sugar levels too high increases cell damage in diabetics. This study shows that caffeine raises blood sugar levels by causing the body to put out large amounts of adrenalin that makes cells less responsive to insulin.

When caffeine was removed from the coffee, blood sugar levels did not rise higher than normal. On the basis of this study, diabetics should drink decaffeinated coffee (though decaf is very processed and isn’t really too good for you either), rather than with caffeine, in addition to severely restricting sugar-added foods; bakery products, pastas, fruit juices and they should eat root vegetables and fruits (higher carb foods) only with meals.

Caffeine can decrease insulin sensitivity in humans. Reference: Diabetes Care, 2002, Vol 25, Iss 2, pp 364-369. GB Keijzers, BE DeGalan, CJ Tack, P Smits. Smits P, Univ Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Pharmacol Toxicol 233, POB 9101, NL-6500 HB Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS.
Calcium: (also see Osteoporosis)
In cases of osteoporosis, the contributing factor is a lack of protein as a binding agent; lack of calcium is not the cause. The Textbook of Medical Physiology states “protein functions in the brush borders of these cells to transport calcium to the cell cytoplasm…The rate of calcium absorption seems to be directly proportional to the quantity of this calcium-binding protein.”
There are 2 ways to lose and/or not gain weight, either the low-calorie way or the low-carb way.

- Starvation dieting (deprives the body of essential nutrients, good oils and natural fats)
- Gain weight easier, faster (body goes into starvation mode, gains to protect itself)
- Weight is harder to lose (body holds on to weight to protect itself)
- Possible physical damage due to resulting ill health
- Feeling deprived may lead to sugar dependence and eating disorders

Note: Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram
Fats contain 9 calories per gram
Therefore, a low carb/high protein and fat diet is NOT a low calorie diet!

- Solves nutritional deficiency (provides nutrients - essential oils and natural fats)
- Provides body with desired fuel (natural fats/and essential protein)
- Lose weight healthily (less processed foods, more organic and natural foods, more essential protein and natural fats, which aid the body in regeneration and goes to body structure – not body-fat)
- Keep it off (turns your body to a fat burning machine rather than a fat storage machine)

Millions of chemical processes take place in the body daily for which the body requires energy. In addition to the energy needed for these complicated processes, the body needs energy for daily activities. Fuel for energy is derived both from food and stored body fat. The minimum daily requirement of calories is 1360 for a woman and 1750 for a man. This is the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This is only the energy required if you were to sleep all day. In order to have enough calories for physical activity a woman would need 2000 and a man 2500. Reducing food intake below these levels will inevitably result in weight loss, but it is an unhealthy way to diet. A low calorie diet will change the metabolic rate, which causes the body to gain weight more easily. This is why eating low-calorie is considered a starvation diet.
The reason the body puts weight on easier after eating this way is because a low calorie diet deprives the body of important nutrients, namely essential oils and natural fats. In other words the body thinks it’s starving and holds on to fat for it’s own protection. Missing these nutrients also makes the body more vulnerable to medical disorders and disease because essential oils and natural fats provide nutrition from the cellular level up.
A low calorie diet typically consists of a high intake of carbohydrates and very little natural fat. Carbohydrates provide instant energy that converts to body fat if not used immediately. Dietary fat also provides instant energy that won’t convert to excess body fat Eating natural fats and burning stored body fat provides 2.5 times more energy than carbohydrate eating. The energy from natural fats is longer sustained and won’t result in a “low” as with sugar. 

Disproves the calorie theory: References: Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, ke Roberts, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson, Garland Pub, March, 1994, ISBN: 0815316194. Textbook of Medical Physiology, Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X, and The Essentials of Biochemistry (Essentials), Jay M. Templin, Research & Education Assn, 1998, ISBN: 0878910735

Low Insulin Not Calorie Restriction Lengthens Your Life. A lean body devoid of fat may be more significant in determining life span than a calorie-restricted diet, according to a new study of genetically altered mice. The mice in the study were able to eat whatever they wanted and still stay slim because their fat tissue had been altered so it could not respond to the hormone insulin. Insulin helps to move sugar from the blood into the body’s cells and also helps fat cells to store fat. Researchers altered the insulin receptor gene in the fat cells of lab mice, and since insulin is needed to help cells store fat the mice had less fat and were protected against obesity. The altered mice ate 55 percent more food per gram of body weight than normal mice, yet had 70 percent less body fat by the time they reached 3 months of age. Moreover, the altered mice lived 18 percent longer than normal mice, and after three years all of the normal mice had died, but one-quarter of the altered mice were still alive. References: Science, Bluher M, Kahn BB, Kahn CR., January 24, 2003;299:572-574
Cancer: (see Essential Fatty Acids)
“The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” Decreasing oxygen just 35% encourages the growth of cancer. EFAs are directly involved with oxygen transfer throughout the body. Shortages of EFAs reduce oxygen transfer. References: 1966 Lindau Nobel-Laureates Conference: Germany, Presented by Otto Warburg, Nobel Prizewinner.
Breast cancer risk is not reduced by high intake of fruits and vegetables. References: Journal of American Medical Association, 285:769-776, 799-801.

Tumors need large amounts of glucose (sugar) to grow. References: Fried, RC, Mullen, J, Stein, TP, et al. The effects of glucose and amino acids on tumor and host DNA synthesis. J. Surg. Res.. 1985;39:461-9.
Carbohydrates: (see Sugar or Glucogenesis)

Excess carbohydrates (more than a mere 4 ounces a day) prevent the body from burning fat, and increase stored body fat. References: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pgs. 869, 871, 936; Basic Medical Biochemistry—A Clinical Approach, pgs. 24, 394. 

“Carbohydrate: General term for sugars and related compounds,…” Reference: Molecular Biology of the Cell, Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, ke Roberts, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson, Garland Pub, March, 1994, ISBN: 0815316194
“Specific sugars are not required in the diet. Glucose can be synthesized from certain amino acids found in dietary protein.” Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pg. 24, 394. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X

Elevated blood sugar levels [generated from eating Carbohydrates] causes blood clotting, which blocks arteries. Reference: Journal of American Medical Association; 2000; 283:221-228. Mail Inquiries: Unified Service Center, American Medical Association, PO Box 10946, Chicago, IL 60610-0946.
Complex carbohydrates cause as much Insulin (see Pancreas:) release as simple carbohydrates.In other words, the body doesn’t discriminate between the sugar in soda and the sugar a banana, or the sugar in candy and the sugar in bread. Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Virtually no carbohydrates are necessary to maintain healthy eating. Glucose is made from your body fat combined with amino acids from protein. Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pages 28-29, 394, 428. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X

Sugar [carbohydrate] stops body from producing growth hormone. Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pg. 702. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X

Carbohydrates are not the “feel good fix”; moods not improved by eating carbohydrates: “Psychological and metabolic responses of carbohydrate-craving obese patients to carbohydrate: fat, and protein rich meals.” Reference: International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, Oct. 21, 1997; (10):860-864, International Association for the Study of Obesity/Stockton Press, ISSN: 0307-0565, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Nottingham Medical School, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK

Celiac Disease:

Involves damage to the gut wall, which makes for problems absorbing certain nutrients, such as iron, calcium and vitamin D. As a result, you are more likely to develop conditions such as osteoporosis, Crohn’s disease, allergies, asthma, sperm abnormalities, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism and anemia, as well as a range of gastrointestinal problems.

Gluten sensitivity (GS) may be at the root of a proportion of cases of cancer, auto-immune disorders, neurological and psychiatric conditions and liver disease. The implication is that the heavily wheat-based western diet - bread, cereals, pastries, pasta – may actually be making millions of people ill.

The immune reaction to gluten that damages the gut in CD may also cause problems almost anywhere else in the body. The evidence for this is a test involving a protein found in gluten called gliadin. When the body has an immune reaction, it makes antibodies. The test for anti-gliadin antibodies is known as AGA and people who test positive to AGA often have no sign of gut damage.

In fact, according to Dr Alessio Fasano, who carried out the University of Maryland research, "Worldwide, CD 'out of the intestine' is 15 times more frequent than CD 'in the intestine'." Braly estimates that between 10% and 15% of the US and Canadian populations have anti-gliadin antibodies, putting them at risk of conditions as varied as psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, jaundice, IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) and eczema. Reference: Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous to Your Health, James Braly M.D., Ron Hoggan M.A., Penguin Putnam, Inc., 2002, ISBN 1058333-129-8.
Reference: The Guardian, September 17, 2002

The key to every biological problem must finally be sought in the cell (see Disease and Cancer). Reference: Molecular Biology of the Cell. Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, ke Roberts, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson, Garland Pub, March, 1994, ISBN: 0815316194
Essential Fatty Acids help form the membrane barrier that surrounds our cells and intercellular factories. They determine fluidity and chemical reactivity of membranes. Reference: Horrobin DF, Proatagl Leukotr Ess Fatty Acids, 1995; 385-96, Bagley JS, et al Chest 1991, 100:82S-8S.

All cells, regardless of specialized function, oxidize fuels. Reference: The Essentials of Biochemistry, pg. 7., Jay M. Templin, Research & Education Assn, 1998, ISBN: 0878910735
Cellulite: (see Essential Fatty Acids)
Current Theories About Cellulite:

Theory 1:
Cellulite is thought to be an unnatural condition created by your body as a result of storing an overabundance of sugar—which turns to body-fat. The process that is thought to create cellulite is called “glycosylation.” In this process, materials resulting from the digestion of the excess carbohydrates cause the proteins under the skin to stick together. When your body doesn’t get essential , your cells will use distorted oils (trans fats) in their place, and that makes for distorted cells. These cells, in effect, become magnetized and are drawn to each other or repelled. This is what is thought to cause that ripple effect. With healthy EFAs back in your cells, the appearance of cellulite may be greatly reduced. Reference:

Theory 2:
Cellulite is formed when connective tissues beneath the skin that shape the fat become weak and deformed. This connective tissue acts as an anchor between the muscles and the skin, it also forms the chambers that hold the Scarpus Fascia (body fat that lies beneath the skin). When the connective tissues become weak, then the Scarpus Fascia bulges upward and causes an uneven appearance in the skin. Reference:

Cellulose: (also see Food Additives)

Cellulose ["wood" fiber] cannot be digested by humans. Reference: The Essentials of Biochemistry (Essentials), pg. 185. Jay M. Templin, Research & Education Assn, 1998, ISBN: 0878910735
Cholesterol: (also see Insulin and Carbohydrates)
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"Chol" = bile and "Sterol" = steroid
Cholesterol is actually a steroid. Steroids belong to a large and varied group of chemical compounds that are naturally produced by the body. Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid and it is used as building blocks for cell membranes, maintaining healthy cells, as an aid to digestion and in the manufacture of sexual hormones. Reference: Michael W. King, PhD / IU School of Medicine.
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LDL occurs naturally in the body and is essential for bodily functions vital for life. Only 20% of blood cholesterol is derived through diet.60-70% of all blood cholesterol comes from production by the liver, not from pre-formed cholesterol in the foods. Reference: Turley, S.D. and Dietschy, J.M. "The Metabolism and Excretion of Cholesterol by the Liver," in The Liver: Biology and Pathology, pp. 617-642, ed. By I.M. Arias Raven Press, N.Y. 1988. 

LDL is also vital because it transports essential fatty acids into the cells.
Triglycerides of VLDL (a form of LDL, often labeled as “bad”) are produced mainly from dietary carbohydrates (not dietary fat!). Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pgs. 25-26, 512. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X

Polyunsaturated fats naturally support healthy blood cholesterol levels. Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 873, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
• No clear correlation between serum [blood] cholesterol levels and the nature and extent of arteriosclerosis [heart] disease.
• Cholesterol levels in and of themselves are meaningless.
• 1,700 patients with heart disease analyzed clearly show more heart-related disease with cholesterol between 1 and 250 than between 300 and 400 or higher! (an inverse correlation)
Reference: Journal of American Medical Association: Vol. 189, No. 9, Aug. 31, 1964

EFA deficiency causes defective cholesterol and phospholipid structure – the real reason for misunderstanding cholesterol LDL.

The body regulates dietary sugar, but there is no regulator in the body for dietary cholesterol. What do you think this means?

Cholesterol is essential for life. Over 90% of cholesterol is found in the body cells, where it gives integrity to the cell structure and regulates the two-way flow of nutrients and waste products. Reference: Textbook of Medical Physiology, pg. 872-873, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, W B Saunders Co., January 15, 1996, ISBN: 0721659446.
Reference: Elisabeth Schafer, Ph.D., Extension Nutrition Specialist Diane Nelson, Extension Communications Specialist Iowa State University,
Reference: The Consumer's Good Chemical Guide by John Emsley (Science Writer in residence at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London), ISBN 0-552-14435-5, Corgi 1996.

Cholesterol necessary for lipid bi-layer of cells. Reference: Molecular Biology of the Cell, pg. 481., Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, ke Roberts, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson, Garland Pub, March, 1994, ISBN: 0815316194
Cholesterol is also the material from which the body makes several important hormones – the adrenal hormones (involved in sugar metabolism, fluid balance, the maintenance of blood pressure, and the preparation of the body for stress) and the male and female sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen. In addition, cholesterol is essential for the normal growth and repair of body tissue. Reference: The Consumer's Good Chemical Guide by John Emsley (Science Writer in residence at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London), ISBN 0-552-14435-5, Corgi 1996.

“Bad cholesterol” [LDL] produced from carbohydrates. Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pgs: 25-26, 512. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X

Cholesterol not as significant compared to triglycerides [70% increased risk – independent of cholesterol] Reference: Grossman on Circulation 2000; 101:2777-2782, Gordon Grossman, Cowles Business Media, August 2000, ISBN: 0918110297

Insulin production, a response to consuming carbohydrate, raises cholesterol levels. Reference: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, pgs: 475, 566. Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, August, 1996, ISBN: 068305595X

“HDL/LDL ratio does not improve when saturated fat is replaced by carbohydrate. Low-fat diet has been considerably less effective in lowering total or LDL cholesterol than predicted.” Reference: Journal of Cardiovascular Risk; No. 1, June 1994. Rapid Science Publishers, ISSN: 1350-6277, Antonio M. Gotto, Editor, Cornell University Medical College, Ithaca, NY

Framingham Heart Study: “The more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person’s serum cholesterol. The opposite [of what we have been told]…” Reference: William Castelli, MD, Framingham Heart Study, Archives of Internal Medicine; Vol. 152, July 1992.

Dietary [from food] cholesterol insignificant. "With even a 30% fat diet, increasing dietary cholesterol from 319 mg to 941mg per day [close to a 300% increase], the blood
LDL only increased a mere 6% [6 points]!" Reference: Metabolism 2001 May;50(5):594-597
Cholesterol is not the cause of arterial damage, it is only there to repair and protect the arteries from further damage.
The most probable causes of arterial damage are:
-          High levels of insulin in the blood damages artery walls
-          Insufficient EFAs compromises arterial health and integrity
-          Insufficient ketone production negatively affects arterial health
-          Xanthine Oxidase* from homogenized milk damages arteries
-          Toxins and chemicals in our environment.
*Xanthine Oxidase (see Milk:) is an acid found in milk fat which in it’s normal state (pre-homogenized) cannot get into the bloodstream because the molecules are too large. Once homogenized, these molecules are made small enough to leak out of the intestine and get into the arteries where it acts like battery acid to the tissues. The body then produces cholesterol (along with other compounds) in order to protect and heal the damage.  
NOTE: Current Studies are being done to determine whether cholesterol is produced by cells at the site of damage, rather than being sent to the site by the body in the circulating blood. “Since nearly every cell of the body produces cholesterol, which is a vital precursor of bile to digest our food and of sex hormones, it well may be that the cholesterol does not come from the circulating blood... but from the very cells at the point of injury to the intima*.”  Reference: Super-Nutrition for Healthy Hearts, Dr. Richard Passwater,. If this is proven to be the case, all claims that dietary cholesterol contributes to arterial clogs would be completely disproved (comment added).
“Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are not the cause of coronary heart disease. That myth is the greatest ‘scientific’ deception of the century, and perhaps any century.”Reference: Quote: George V. Mann, M.D. (1991), Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine – Vanderbilt University.
*Intima:The innermost membrane of an organ or part, especially the inner lining of a lymphatic vessel, an artery, or a vein.

Colloidal Minerals
: (also see Minerals)

Colloid means suspended in liquid. It has nothing to do with the efficiency of absorption into the body or the nutritional value.

It is important to keep in mind that nutrients need to be accessible at the cellular level. Simply because something dissolves in liquid, doesn't mean it's bio-available to us!

Colloids [including colloidal minerals] are held in vascular blood system [not used at the cellular level]. Reference: Body Fluids and Electrolytes, pgs: 62-63. Norma J. Weldy, Mosby-Year Book, November 1991, ISBN: 0801654017

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