
Poetry& Lyrics 1997

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Another Me©

by Khanåda Dec. 23, 1997

Coming to terms with the reality
Of who I am
Knowing finally that nothing
Is how it seemed
Facing myself in the mirror
Of life
Like the rippled waters of
And strife
There seems to be nothing left
For me
And so I die inside
I die
To make way for
Another me…


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Pale Blue Soul©

by Khanåda - Dec. 1997
Published in the Eternal Portrait Series:"Chateaux Dass La Brume"

Your eyes
The windows
to a Pale blue soul
Of nobility
Of dignity
Lost inside
Distant from grace
Forsaken yourself
for something less fine
A fallen angel
Your mind debased
Tender soul
Your heart unlaced
Trapped in the world
Unable to find
The truth of you
So far behind
Your eyes
Dark windows
To a pale blue soul…


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All works included herein are copyright© Khanada Marlene Taylor©. Any reproduction without express permission from the author will be treated as theft and dealt with accordingly.